mýrr collective officially launched on January 1, 2023 as the containing organization for the individual collective endeavor members. the earliest of the current collective endeavors (IW USA) originated in 1997. operating under a single corporate framework, the individual collective endeavors can move swiftly.
mýrr collective is managed by its members.
connecting experts to action
endeaver for all
Focus Areas
the future of commerce & mobility.
- alternative fuels (ev, hybrid, cng/rng, hydrogen)
- autonomous transport
- frictionless commerce
mýrr is the Old Norse word for wetland, mire, fen, moor, bog, marsh, or swamp and is related to the word moss. while not often romanticized, these places represent some of the most important ecosystems and biodiversity on the planet.
how to pronounce mýrr? with the traditional m sound followed by ‘ear’. example